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Højt indhold af hexavalent krom i cementprøver fra tre afrikanske lande
Nikolaj Menné Bonefeld, Torkil Menné, Ulrik Ahrensbøll-Friis, Anne-Sofie Østergaard Gadsbøll, Christian William Wang, Thor Grundtvig Theander, Elisante John Masenga, Daudi Mavura, Herielly Msuya, Michael Fokuo Ofori, Henrik Kløverpris, Niels Ødum, Charlotte Menné Bonefeld, Carsten Geisler
Contact Dermatitis. 2024 Nov;91(5):436-438. doi: 10.1111/cod.14638. Epub 2024 Jul
Abstract | Resumé
Krom og kobolt i dansk læder: En markedsundersøgelse
Mikkel Bak Jensen, Farzad Alinaghi, Ivan Chen, Jonas F Hedberg, Yolanda S Hedberg, Claus Zachariae, Jeanne Duus Johansen
Contact Dermatitis. 2024 Nov;91(5):398-403. doi: 10.1111/cod.14643. Epub 2024 Jul 28
Abstract | Resumé
Kontaktallergi overfor metaller blandt metalarbejdere: En systematisk gennemgang og metaanalyse
Farzad Alinaghi, Martin Havmose, Jacob P Thyssen, Claus Zachariae, Jeanne D Johansen
Contact Dermatitis. 2023 Jan;88(1):1-9. doi: 10.1111/cod.14232. Epub 2022 Oct 25.
Abstract | Resumé
Hukommelse T-hjælperceller specifikke for nikkel, kobolt og krom identificerer personer med metalallergi
Lars H Blom , Sali A Elrefaii , Claus Zachariae 2, Jacob P Thyssen , Lars K Poulsen , Jeanne D Johansen
Contact Dermatitis. 2021 Jul;85(1):7-16.
Abstract | Resumé
Ingen tegn på bedring af sygdomsbyrde hos patienter med kromallergi efter regulering af kromindhold i læder
Farzad Alinaghi, Jacob P Thyssen, Claus Zachariae, Jeanne D Johansen
Contact Dermatitis. 2021 Nov;85(5):514-522.
Abstract | Resumé
Krom- og koboltfrigivelse fra øreringe på det danske marked.
Michael Wennervaldt, Malin G Ahlström, Torkil Menné, Morten B Haulrig, Farzad Alinaghi, Jacob P Thyssen, Jeanne D Johansen
Contact Dermatitis. 2021 Nov;85(5):523-530.
Abstract | Resumé
Forekomsten af metaller i brugte og ubrugte skæreolier: røntgen-fluorescensspektroskopi som screeningsværktøj
Alinaghi F, Hedberg YS, Zachariae C, Thyssen JP, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis. 2020 Aug;83(2):83-87
Abstract | Resumé
Ændringer i forekomsten af kromallergi i Danmark i perioden 2002-2017.
Alinaghi F, Zachariae C, Thyssen JP, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis. 2019 Mar;80(3):156-161.
Abstract | Resumé
False-positive result when a diphenylcarbazide spot test is used on trivalent chromium-passivated zinc surfaces.
Reveko V, Lampert F, Din RU, Thyssen JP, Møller P.
Contact Dermatitis. 2018 May;78(5):315-320
Abstract | Resumé
Association between atopic dermatitis and contact sensitization: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Hamann CR, Hamann D, Egeberg A, Johansen JD, Silverberg J, Thyssen JP.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017 Jul;77(1):70-78.
Abstract | Resumé
Experimental patch testing with chromium-coated materials.
Bregnbak D, Thyssen JP, Jellesen MS, Zachariae C, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis. 2017 Jun;76(6):333-341
Abstract | Resumé
Assessment of chromium(VI) release from 848 jewellery items by use of a diphenylcarbazide spot test.
Bregnbak D, Johansen JD, Hamann D, Hamann CR, Hamann C, Spiewak R, Menné T, Zachariae C, Jellesen MS, Thyssen JP.
Contact Dermatitis. 2016 Aug;75(2):115-7.
Abstract | Resumé
Experimental skin deposition of chromium on the hands following handling of samples of leather and metal
Bregnbak D, Thyssen JP, Jellesen MS, Zachariae C, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis. 2016 Aug;75(2):89-95
Abstract | Resumé
Recent trends in epidemiology, sensitization and legal requirements of selected relevant contact allergens
Schwensen JF, Bregnbak D, Johansen JD.
Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2016 Mar;12(3):289-300
Abstract | Resumé
Chromium allergy and dermatitis: prevalence and main findings.
Bregnbak D, Johansen JD, Jellesen MS, Zachariae C, Menné T, Thyssen JP.
Contact Dermatitis 2015, Nov;73(5):261-80.
Abstract | Resumé
Chromium(VI) release from leather and metals can be detected with a diphenylcarbazide spot test.
Bregnbak D, Johansen JD, Jellesen MS, Zachariae C, Thyssen JP.
Contact Dermatitis 2015, Nov;73(5):281-8
Abstract | Resumé
Jewellery: alloy composition and release of nickel, cobalt and lead assessed with the EU synthetic sweat method
Hamann D, Thyssen JP, Hamann CR, Hamann C, Menné T, Johansen JD, Spiewak R, Maibach H, Lundgren L, Lidén C.
Contact Dermatitis 2015, Oct;73(4):231-8.
Abstract | Resumé
The association between metal allergy, total knee arthroplasty, and revision.
Münch HJ, Jacobsen SS, Olesen JT, Menné T, Søballe K, Johansen JD, Thyssen JP.
Acta Orthop 2015, Jan 13:1-6.
Abstract | Resumé
Allergic chromium dermatitis from wearing ‘chromium-free’ footwear
Thyssen JP, Jellesen MS, Møller P, Menné T, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis 2014, Mar;70(3):185-7
Abstract | Resumé
Characteristics of chromium-allergic dermatitis patients prior to regulatory intervention for chromium in leather: a questionnaire study.
Bregnbak D, Thyssen JP, Zachariae C, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis 2014, Dec;71(6):338-47
Abstract | Resumé
Hexavalent chromium in leather is now regulated in European Union member states to limit chromium allergy and dermatitis.
Thyssen JP, Menné T, Johansen JD.
Contact Dermatitis 2014, Jan;70(1):1-2.
Abstract | Resumé
The impact of common metal allergens in daily devices
Hamann D, Hamann CR, Thyssen JP
Cell Mol Life Sci 2013, 13(5):525-30
Abstract | Resumé
Chromium in leather footwear-risk assessment of chromium allergy and dermatitis
Thyssen JP, Strandesen M, Poulsen PB, Menné T, Johansen JD
Contact Dermatitis 2012, 66(5):279-85
Abstract | Resumé
The critical review of methodologies and approaches to assess the inherent skin sensitization potential (skin allergies) of chemicals. Part I
Thyssen JP, Giménez-Arnau E, Lepoittevin JP, Menné T, Boman A, Schnuch A
Contact Dermatitis 2012, 66 Suppl 1:11-24
Abstract | Resumé
The critical review of methodologies and approaches to assess the inherent skin sensitization potential (skin allergies) of chemicals. Part II
Thyssen JP, Giménez-Arnau E, Lepoittevin JP, Menné T, Boman A, Schnuch A
Contact Dermatitis 2012, 66 Suppl 1:25-52
Abstract | Resumé
The critical review of methodologies and approaches to assess the inherent skin sensitization potential (skin allergies) of chemicals. Part III
Thyssen JP, Giménez-Arnau E, Lepoittevin JP, Menné T, Boman A, Schnuch A
Contact Dermatitis 2012, 66 Suppl 1:53-70
Abstract | Resumé
Cutaneous and systemic hypersensitivity reactions to metallic implants
Basko-Plluska JL, Thyssen JP, Schalock PC
Dermatitis 2011, 22(2):65-79
Abstract | Resumé
No association between metal allergy and cardiac in-stent restenosis in patients with dermatitis – results from a linkage study
Thyssen JP, Engkilde K, Menné T, Johansen JD, Hansen PR, Gislason GH.
Contact Dermatitis 2011, 64(3):138-41
Abstract | Resumé
Nomenclature of metal allergens in contact dermatitis
Lepoittevin JP, Midander K, Thyssen JP, Lidén C
Contact Dermatitis 2011, 65(1):1-2
Abstract | Resumé
Hypersensitivity reactions from metallic implants: a future challenge that needs to be addressed
Thyssen JP, Johansen JD, Menné T, Lidén C, Bruze M, White IR
Br J Dermatol 2010, 162, 235–236
Abstract | Resumé
Metal Allergy – A Review on Exposures, Penetration, Genetics, Prevalence, and Clinical Implications
Thyssen JP, Menné T
Chem Res Toxicol 2010, 23(2):309-18
Abstract | Resumé
Patch test reactivity to metal allergens following regulatory interventions – a 33-year retrospective study
Thyssen JP, Ross-Hansen K, Menné T, Johansen JD
Contact Dermatitis 2010, 63(2):102-6
Abstract | Resumé
The epidemiology of contact allergy – allergen exposure and recent trends
Thyssen JP
G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2009, 144(5):507-514
Abstract | Resumé
The prevalence of chromium allergy in Denmark is currently increasing as a result of leather exposure
Thyssen JP, Jensen P, Carlsen BC, Engkilde K, Menné T, Johansen JD
Br J Dermatol 2009, Dec;161(6):1288-93
Abstract | Resumé
Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in leather and elicitation of eczema
Hansen MB, Menne T, Johansen JD
Contact Dermatitis 2006, May;54(5):278-82
Abstract | Resumé
Cr(III) reactivity and foot dermatitis in Cr(VI) positive patients
Hansen MB, Menne T, Johansen JD
Contact Dermatitis 2006, Mar;54(3):140-4